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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

World Series vs NHL (from @DownGoesBrown )

It's not exactly the Carlin classic "Baseball and Football" but an Ottawa-based hockey humorist (and devoted Leafs fan) named Sean McIndoe who puts out the blog "Down Goes Brown" has an amusing look at the difference between the World Series and hockey.

An excerpt:

<<World Series: For the second straight year, the Texas Rangers have won their first two playoff rounds under the leadership of popular manager Ron Washington.
NHL: Nobody with "Washington" on their jersey ever wins two playoff rounds in the same season.>>

...and a scary reminder of what the NHL may face at this time next year

<<World Series: It took the sport a generation to recover from the cancellation of the 1994 World Series due to a player's strike led by hardline union head Donald Fehr.
NHL: I'm sure whoever's heading up the NHLPA these days would never do something like that.>>

You can find the whole thing here: http://www.downgoesbrown.com/2011/10/hockey-fans-guide-to-world-series.html
Forever1940 is the nom de plume of Eric Hornick, statistician on Islander home telecasts since 1982. Visit my blog: NYISkinny.com and follow me on Twitter @ehornick

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