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The Skinny: Minnesota 6, Isles 3

"The Skinny"  By Eric Hornick Game 55 Minnesota 6, Isles 3 The Wild scored the game's final five goals to erase a 3-1 Islander...

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Charles Wang on Isles future

The Sports Business Journal Facilities and Franchise conference is going on in Brooklyn today.  Several tweets from Chris Botta @ChrisBottaNHL (who apparently has interviewed Charlies), including the following:

--The team will always be known as the Islanders as long as owns team; and the crest will remain the same
--The proposed 14,500 capacity is fine at Barclays because all sight-lines are excellent
-- On moving in 2014 (which would be the end of next season): " It would be nice if we could... If it makes sense for everyone obviously we would".  Could there be a deal between Nassau County  and Barclay's to make this happen.
--On owning the Isles:  "Love hockey, love the Islanders, don't love the other (political) BS"
--Says that he takes the train to Barclays (but likely won't take it home after Islander losses)
-- Revealed that he received many bids from cities outside NY.  In the end, he wanted the Isles to stay in New York.

--Botta also talked with Brett Yormark -- expects more black/white merchandise when Isles move to Brooklyn

More for @SBJSBD:

Wang says he is going to work w LIRR to ensure good train service from L.I. to Barclays Center for Isles, particularly after evening games

Wang makes a bit of news: his NeuLion will be tech provider for live streaming of Barclays Center events. 

Wang jokes, "the Nassau Coliseum may be as old as the Roman Colosseum." 

Charles Wang on move to Brooklyn: my father always used to tell me, 'Go where you're loved.' 

Wang became good friends with Bruce Ratner during rival, failed bid years ago to buy NJ Nets. 

Wang: we're very excited about Islanders move to Brooklyn. Barclays Center is an incredible facility

Forever1940 is the nom de plume of Eric Hornick, statistician on Islander home telecasts since January 21, 1982. Visit my blog: NYISkinny.com and follow me on Twitter @ehornick

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